

Beasts and beings have a name, a description, and a drive. Unless otherwise noted, they have 4 HP, 0 A, and d6 attributes. If they are…

Beasts and beings in the Fell are either mortal (M), faërie (F), or daemon (D) and either lawful (L), neutral (N), or chaotic (C).

Attacks against faërie and daemon beings from weapons made of pure iron have advantage.

Knowing a faërie or daemon being's true name counts as leverage.


Giant, gray, eight-legged lizard with crocodile head full of teeth.

D, 12 HP, 2 A, d10 STR, d8 INT, d8 WIL, charge (d8, save or prone), tail (d6 blast), stare (save x2 or turned to stone)

Drive: to turn to stone and eat

Black Pudding

Black, pulsating goop that jerks towards movement.

M, 8 HP, 2 A, d8 STR, d4 DEX, d4 INT, pseudopod (d6 blast)

Drive: to absorb

Faërie Skull

A floating skull with a flickering green flame within.

F, 8 HP, d4 STR, d8 DEX, d8 WIL, flames (d6)

Drive: to devour souls


Ears of a bat, nose of a boar, skittering, skattering, chattering, stabbering.

F, 2 HP, d4 STR, d4 INT, d4 WIL, dagger (d4)

Drive: to wreak havoc


Ancient garb, skin stretched tightly over bone–the smell of death is near.

D, 14 HP, d4 STR, d8 INT, d12 WIL, dagger (d4), life drain (save or d12 critical harm), d12 spells

Drive: to drain life force.


Appears to be a simple chest but isn't.

F, 6 HP, 1 P, d8 STR, d8 DEX, d4 INT, d4 WIL, pseudopod (d4), bite (d6)

Drive: to consume

Mummy Fragments

Disembodied hands lurch across the floor.

N or F, 2 HP, d4 STR, d4 DEX, d4 INT, d4 WIL, choke (d4)

Drive: to strangle


Old, rattling bones spring to life.

N or F, 3 HP, d4 STR, d4 DEX, d4 INT, d4 WIL, shortsword (d4)

Drive: to welcome more dead

Stone Guardian

s still as a statue… Until it isn’t.

N or F, 10 HP, 3 A, d10 STR, d4 INT, slam (d4 blast), sword (d8 blast)

Drive: to let none pass


Tattered clothes and decayed flesh cling to this reanimated corpse.

M or F, 5 HP, 1 P, d4 WIL, bite (d4)

Drive: to eat brains


A glowing blue light dancing between the trees.

F, 2 HP, d4 STR, d8 DEX, d4 INT, d8 WIL, dazzle (d4, INT)

Drive: to lead into danger